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Thanks for signing up to receive special deals & offers from As a subscriber, you will receive one email from us per week that will list approximately 20 deals from merchants in your local area. You get to choose how far away from your location that you want to receive deals and can also change your location, if you need to.

We all like paying less for things. Now, watch and save. Also, keep in mind that if there are merchants that you would like to see added, please Suggest a Merchant at the following URL:

Also, we'd like to let you know about our Monthly Contest where you can:

Win up to $100 at Your Favorite Local Merchant

Once you are signed up as a subscriber of InboxSaver, you can invite others to participate. By inviting other subscribers and/or merchants to participate, you can earn entry points and win some cash. Click here for more info:


Rich & Jake

PS You are subscribed for deals in the 'Mountain View' area. If you would like to update this information, please adjust your Subscription Settings.